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Win32 Console ToolBox 1.0  

2010-01-02 00:45:28|  分类: 技术文摘 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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DeTab DeTab replaces all tab characters in one or more files with spaces.
ErrMsg ErrMsg will display the system error message for one or more Win32 error values
FileCase FileCase will rename one or more file names and/or directory names to uppercase or lowercase.
FileType FileType displays the file type of one or more files. For executable files, it will give details such as 16/32 bit, console/GUI, CPU type, etc. For all other files it will list the registered system description for that type of file.
Global Global makes any application or utility recursive. It will recursively execute any command in the current directory and in all subdirectories under the current directory.
NewLine NewLine converts one or more text files to use a single LF or a CR/LF sequence to end each line in each file.
ShutDown ShutDown allows you to automatically log off, shut down, reboot, or power off your system.
Touch Touch displays or sets the created, access, and modified times of one or more files.
WebCat WebCat quickly generates an HTML page to catalog all your images, animated icons, and other web related files. Now you can easily use your web browser to catalog all your content on one page.

小工具大用途 - SheepShell - 羊圈 Download Win32 Console ToolBox 1.0 for Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista [145k]

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